Monday, July 27, 2009

gold lions & gold coast have me corrected.

so there's something i have been closeting from the people that i know for quite a while now. not perfectly. but enough games. i am ready to come clean....

"i am mtb. and i am a barista dork."

it really is quite shameful.

it's taken a variety of shapes. to the fact that i thought it would be a fantastic idea to have coffee bean earrings:

to looking up pictures of pretty foam:

looking up various blogs and laughing my face off in agreement with some of the numb-skull characters that come across my path;

ONE BLOG IN PARTICULAR: (which me being the clever person that i am figured out that it was her employee number) (also: she is quitting in 26 days. i just found you! you can't leave me!)

i am looking into getting some merchandise:

(their website sucks for "gear")

the minute they make bags is the minute i will have them.

(keep in mind i have three t-shirts (1 italian roast, 1 guatemala t-shirt (that i am wearing right now), and one seasonal red shirt)

side bar (hot bar. bahaha...*sigh* barista jokes): i am waiting on my "i like presidents like i like my coffee: black" shirt any day now)

not only am i subscribed to the starbucks youtube account ( & a starbucks follower on twitter (

but as a joke my friend said how it would be cool to get coffee bean tattoos. but how that would be a tad bit TOO much. well... is it sad that i am considering it?

i'm going to post a lot more starbucks magic as time rolls by (which it has which is why i haven't posted much of anything lately). but feature drink of the post:


{this is where i would post of it if i could find one.}


i am going to donate my hair to breast cancer (most probably), register for driving, clean room, organize room, make an appointment with the social worker, finish up all of the bank issues involving my pay cheques, and going not just day 1 but as well as day 2 of the osheaga madness.

MAIN REASON: vampire weekend was added to day 2 ever since beastie boys booted out because the adam yauch has cancer. (good luck, boys.) that combined with the yeah yeah yeahs, arctic monkeys, etc etc.


she really does scare the yeah yeah yeahs out of me.

it's past 3 so i am out.

the barista through and through,


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