Saturday, August 22, 2009

"i was relieved to see your name"

this beast of an employee has come back from having the summer off and she essentially was coming back today. i was doing close and was majorly complimented when she told me that she could not have been happier to see anyone else's name on that sheet of paper but mine. i shined for a solid five minutes after that.
i feel like this page needs a picture.

also, i would like to have my computer cleaned out & organise favourites, youtube account, twitter, pictures, music, files, etc.

that's right. i can be disgusting in that way. what of it!

gooooooodnight now.

yours truly and not-so(500) days of summer later,

anal girl.

p.s: i realise now that i should have put osheaga on that list.

p.p.s: i also realised that i somehow didn't find it necessary to mention the teletubby baby that is glowing on my village of a to-do list.

p.p.p.s: i still do not know what p.s stands for nor do i know if it's correct to add more p's or more s's.

1 comment:

  1. ps = post script.
    it's correct to keep adding p's. thus the p.p.s. is "post" the "post script"

    this literary minute has been brought to you by JH.
