that's right, fools. i got the official thumbs up for habitat for humanity to volunteer!
once a month. pretty magnificant. it's the very least i could do and i'm doing it.

also, just wanted to toss out there that on the postsecret myspace account (that has just recently been put to a stop), there are people who have posted cellphone numbers for those who would like to anonymously send a secret. essentially, it's postsecret gone lingo, handheld, instant, and slightly creepy. at least you can check out a person's music choices before telling them about what REALLY happened on that sofa couch at aunt linda's three months ago.
i was spending my morning today chillin' by my cash register waiting for customers while sippin' on a doppio mezzo soy no whip cinnaom dolce latté in a mug when this song leaked into the room. i went to replay it... five... times. it was one of those moments where the flood gates open and you think
'' life ain't half bad. ''
side bar (again):
i have my registar's appointment tomorrow for school.
after my authorized leave last november, i have not set foot into a classroom that i wasn't teaching or assisting.
also, i am registered in a film program that is giving me that sinking stomach feeling. raised to listen to the jiminy cricket inside me, i am going to the miracle maker tomorrow and saying:`
''HI. So i know that i am supposed to be going into this program, but the insect with a top hat inside me told me not toooo... soooooo... i was KINDA hopin' that you could find me a program that could have me writin' stuff, actin' stuff, makin' stuff, and ideally have music and me meetin' chris martin part of that mix. ALSOZ, i KIIIINDA want fridays off. and a barista in the cafeteria... URDABEZT.''
soon followed by a stray jacket or mallet on the noggen.
but you know how it is. after a while, what jiminy says...

because i don't send my readers out in the world without a test drive, i txtd a person who oh-so graciously posted their number on postsecret's myspace and received the response:
''It has to happen at some point, right? I don't think it's bad. Really''
then followed by me txting back a thank you and a congradulations on the engagment that she posted about. then realized that was a complete misunderstanding.
so with THAT, i bid you goodnight.
wish me luck!
your secret txter,
mtb. lolz
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