i know i haven't really been much of anywhere in the past little while. school, work, life in general is very chaotic. but i'm loving it right now. which is what's important, right?
i have to run off and conquer my semester in 7 minutes. BUT UNTIL THEN, i really wanted to show to those who have yet to see my ''supposed to be zine'' final project for my drawing class. i spent over 30 hours painting it, it's the size of a wall, and in my opinion: cali. a.k.a: knarly, psychodelic, and baller.
it is actually going to be part of two school exhibits and will be posted in my school's staircase as a display.
but here's my brief step by step of how it all went down.

i have easily used this picture a grand total of 5 times for assignments in the almost month that i've been wearing it.
good call, sis. good call.

the stenciled version.

very far in my actual painting assignment. this is me discussing with ashley miller (my favourite teacher to date) about it's completion.
note to self: we love miller. love her.

i was repeatedly teased for doing this entire thing barefoot.
whatever! i didn't want to ruin my rockin' gladiators.

the late late hours that i spent at school with payge and eugenia
(eugenia's photography talent through out, by the way.)
but more about those two lovely cupcakes later.

the morning that it was due & me in my pjs. as well as being all hipster with my mismatching socks.

the end result.
Title: Permit Me Chaos.
far too much details and symbolism in everything for me to write out this minute.
but, y'know.
i'm so pleased.
after giving birth to art the size of a baby whale, i think i did good.
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