so i was running in between plans, right? because all i do is run around. i'm leaving supper having to excuse myself before everyone to pay my bill. it was vegan sushi. that being said, as i was entering my pin number i picked up one of the complimentary fortune cookies in the jar on my left before i skipped out the door and rolled down hill to the metro. i get lost quite easily. zig zagging with my shoes untied, stuffing it in to not get too distracted, going in the wrong metro direction and having to double back, doubling back and then realizing the metro line is down and i have to wait. it has become routine to me and so that day was no exception. i clean myself up as my fringe and everything else was flailing in the breeze like branches, tame them, and wait. digging for my power hand (buspass, ipod, phone) i start glancing around and notice a cute boy not too far away from me. he is really cute. good shoes. good sign. good headphones. probably listening to Peter Bjorn & John or something. he glances towards me and i rapidly look elsewhere while filding in my jacket pockets for the missing pieces of my power hand. i suddenly feel the crunchy paper of my fortune cookie that had been destroyed in the jog. i abandon my original mission and start opening it, asking myself how funny it would be if the fortune cookie said something along the lines of "the love of your life is standing right next to you". how serendipidous that would be. as i slide off the cookie from the future, low and behold:

yup. you read right. i freaked out. i couldn't take it. i was looking around checking for some sort of proof or assurance or camera crew. yup. and so that was it. the hopeless romantic in me took over and i started gliding my way over to cutie in the corner. not straight ahead like a bullseye but angled enough for him to feel the need to look up and see what was going on (a.k.a:destiny). i'm almost at the point where all the stars would aline when i just see this girl steadily walking towards him. i freeze. act casual. like i'm waiting for a metro or something. pretend to glance around out of boredom. i hear her faintly say "sorry that took so long. she's a talker." and kiss my destiny goodbye. because she kissed him. the guy aforementioned.
point is: i always get the memo too late on destiny. i don't know what to make of the fact that i plan on walking around with this fortune cookie and using it as a pick up line the next time that i see a cute boy.
point is: i always get the memo too late on destiny. i don't know what to make of the fact that i plan on walking around with this fortune cookie and using it as a pick up line the next time that i see a cute boy.
reduce reuse recycle?
road trip
side bar: all the songs i have strolled upon in the past week have to do with three things: caring and someone not caring , living in the moment, caring and someone not caring but living in the moment. all too relivant.
for now, pce, btchs.
that girl who does those things,
and who is really really excited for my trip to toronto & has to do a lot of homework to earn saidroad trip
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