my friend's and i spent a good song coming up with analogies to describe what was growing on this guy's upper lip.
but i will now shift topic selection away from pub-lookin'-facial hair.
between both sets, there was about an hour of wait. we spent our time chit chatting, sharing our praises for songs that we would hope she would play (summer in the city, dance anthem of the 80's, etc.). i also spent that time getting to know sara and asking her what she was planning on doing after highschool. all this while sasha was having a bit of a moment where she contemplated taking part in a homicide to get rid of the makeout mayhem that was happening between this couple right next to her. all this however was graciously interrupted by

she came on in this dress with her face plasted a thousand times (still not enough) and red heels. so new york. then i realised that i was partially blocked by her piano. but that did not even matter! i was in a relm of fantastic. SHE WAS PHENOMENAL! i will be honest, because of the fact that a lot of the songs were from the new album (that i lost in a rock, papper, scissors match with jacqueline), i didn't know most of the songs playing. but i was blown away like a kite during a storm. because hurricane regina was in town.
songs that i remember she played:
fidelity (obviously), on the radio (another give in), eet, the calculation, blue lips, folding chair, machine, laughing with, wallet, one more time with feeling, two birds, better (of course!), us (faaaaaaantastic.), samson (*sigh* one of the best moments in the entire night), that time (ON GUITAR!), a country song which could have turned me into a dolly parton fan it was so great, and one of the sickest things that i have ever seen in my life which is her playing poor little rich boy .

one foot on the pedal, vocals, one hand playing piano, one hand beating the chair drum to death, one foot firmly on the ground (well, actually, she was twisting it around as if she wasn't busy enough.) and of course her heart in the process of being taken away by MONTREAL. she also played the hilarious bobbing for apples.
i cannot explain just how musically gifted this lady is. the fact that she SOLD OUT metropolis (meaning the place was swarming with people), and yet at one point when she was playing on the piano, she had the ENTIRE VENUE GO DEAD SILENT, explains the magnitude and force of this girl's talent. just all around bravo, ms.spektor. she is also the sweetest thing in the world! she curved around her piano to apologize to us who didn't see her completely (of course i forgive you, reg-reg. the eventual eye contact made it all worth it). she also had two hardxcore adoring fans who came to bring her gifts (a bouquet of flowers (which because the guy who was handing them to her was right behind me, as she was approaching me, i simply thought she wanted to shake my hand or compliment me on my peacock feather headband.), as well as this girl who created a card of some kind. quite cool.
once the show was over with, we spent about 5 minutes in shock, and then spit up. sasha and i got our afterparty-on were hitting up a starbucks (my heart of a starbucks downtown more specifically) but on my way out i happened to have run into gay eric who works there! we shared a hug and compliments about the show and said we would see each other soon (which just so happened to have been 20 minutes later at that starbucks). some girl who had given me a free venti passion tea once (sabrina?) was working along with my boorista who proceeded to ask us if we were drunk (he has a girlfriend. the love is being put on hold). once we left our drinks in hand, we strolled our way down the street, told eachother hysterical stories about stunt tour buses, hugh heffner television shows, stripper costumes, and everything in between. we also decided that for the sake of our emo 13 year old selves, we are going to the used concert at metropolis in october (so excited).

after that, i took my bus back to the boons at 12:10, got home at one, and proceeded to wake up 3 hours later (to only get ill an hour afterwards and stay home to sleep and miss first period).
highlights not mentioned until now
Special thanks to flashlight (whom i will title the flash or flasher) who had a compact light and let me use it so i could find my bag), and mrs.claus who offered me my v-neck that had fallen out of my bag but as i realized later on also had a SECOND SHIRT WRAPPED IN IT. five finger discount, i suppose. another story i wanted to say was that when regina first went on guitar she wanted to adjust her microphone but couldn't so tech crew came to help her out. well, i had turned around when he had come on stage. so when i turned around i thought it was a crazy fan but was relieved to see he worked for metropolis. all this to say that i turned around to sara and sasha and said "whoa! i thought that was a crazy fan that jumped on stage!" and at this exact moment, there was one of those creepy moments where it goes silent for no reason which lead not only all those around me to laugh but the ENTIRE METROPOLIS. i was a venue laughing stock. still.... totally worth it because i found it kinda funny.
all these lovely memories to say that regina was fantastic and i hope to see her again, soon.
i now have to go and do an entire photo project. buuuuuut whatevz. i will just live in the euphoria of all the concerts to come.
- JULIA NUNES OCTOBER 10TH IN NEW YORK CITY!!! (on the moon excited)
- THE USED OCTOBER 21st (gitty as a school girl)
- friendly fires december 3rd (cannot wait to see my man jack again)
- kanye west january 11th (i am still on the fence about this. it will definitely be up for discussion or commentary).
i'm off to go watch the boys and the girls watch each other eat at the meat market down the street.
otherwise known as: photo project.
take care.
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