first order of unimportant business: i adore this scarf i borrowed from my roommate kaarlie.
this segway leading to the more important details of my move.
it went over tremendously.
kaarlie's friends daniel &
sorry to interrupt.
but i am at my heartbucks right now.... and.... one of the barista's just had an epileptic seizure?
out of nowhere?
what's going ON?!?!
i am forced to switch channels on the topic.
& ryan; a.k.a: THE ROKCKSTARS OF MOVING THINGS had the truck loaded with my stuff in 30 minutes, and had BOTH of our stuff unloaded IN AN HOUR'S TIME.
it was like seeing an action movie where the leading actor jumps off of a burning building and lands with nothing different bur some dirt on his leather jacket.
there was a bit of an issue with the fridge (shawn caused a dent in my wall)
but that's okay!
my lifefriend has volunteered to plaster the quarter-sized inverted wall zit as well as plaster the hole in our stomachs by buying in groceries.
special blog shout out to:
my mommy; for taking the day off after all to send me off & GIVING ME A FRIDGE!!!
cindi and ro; for driving around like "the amazing race" for straps and being amazing.
daniel and ryan; for being the reason as to why our move was successful.
andrew; for putting our fridge back together.
shawn; for being my best two-week-long friend ever and for causing the dent in my wall.
mandy, autumn, and laurent; for dropping by to wish up good things and good luck.
special thanks to: KATI & KARYN! who got lost trying to walk to our apartment and gave me a fondu set, owl kleenex, sushi plates, saki kit, alcoholic chocolate, and a cactus.
catherine and greg: who never actually made it but intended to!
since then, we have been living off of stale bread, starbucks pastries, black coffee & sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup.
and we are loving it.
thanks to my dear friend saima and the ahmed family,
we now have a stove.
i love my friends & family.
(p.s: nadi, expect flowers. nice ones)
everything is great, really!
i haven't felt this stable or secure in a while.
i feel like i am 100% responsible for what i get and dish out and i love it.
i've grown up decades in days.
it's great.
i am in montreal's fashion forward and cultural hands.
i'll be fine.
the sounds of my success
frank sinatra - that's life
arcade fire - no cars go
the maccabees - lego
also, my dear friend that i call by a last name made me a program to congradulate me on my move:
this is what life is all about.
take care, darlings.
i sure am. :)
from the girl who takes joy in knowing she can metro home from a starbucks,
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