it's here, my hoes and bros.the day mtb is bouncing.
it didn't sink in until my life was in boxes on the lawn waiting for the truck to come.
i find myself now, waiting for that truck and for a new part of my life to start.
and the age of eighteen years, four months, and 10 days, the homegrown roots are cut.
and i'm off to be in my field that is montreal.
a diet new york if you will.

if my old room walls could talk, they would say they didn't miss me much.
and i would probably return the same favour.
i never gave this place the home title.
but i would see it as my detox center.
and as much as i hated it here (for a multitude of reasons),
i will say it worked wonders (along with many other events and people).
all that's left in my old room is a lamp that came from the 8 year old who lived there before me, a bed frame from houses ago, crumbs of paper and wrappings, and a starbucks shaker.
(INSERT PICTURE OF MY MASSIVE AMOUNT OF BOXES AND STOCK that didn't turn out because it is too sunny outside for my hp cybercam)
i feel like i am on hoarders or something.
it's ridiculous how much a girl can collect over the years.
i am ready for this.
i realized that as i was walking down with arms full of junk.
that i am ready for this.
yes, money will be tight. yes, there will be unforeseeable issues, some that we saw coming, and days that are less than enjoyable.
but i am ready for this.
i am excited for this!
my life is starting anew right now.
and though there will be chaos, i will learn to love most of them!
so kaarlz & i rallied up our mommies and friends for the move.
they should be arriving momentarily to help me move my life to the island .
*kaarlie calls me*
in 30 minutes.
soundtrack for today's festivities
(the song that got me through packing last night and lawn-loading this morning) - BAND OF HORSES : No One's Gonna Love You
(the song that got me pumped last night and fed my procratinating tendencies) - POMPLAMOOSE: MJ's Beat it
(the song that i'm trippin' on) - MODEST MOUSE:King Rat
(the song that said it all) - ARCADE FIRE:Windowsill
the evolutionizing and moving,
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