great news: the person who got stabbed is in stabble condition. the stabber was arrested thanks to those bystanders. you're welcome, world.
awful news: the drummer from "you say party! we say die!" passed away in concert yesterday. few know. i am good friends with someone who is friends with the entire band. hopefully, the band will get through these dark days.
this event had me thinking intensely about something that has been on my mind more and more.
i joke around saying i would love to be the female lovechild of the strokes & arctic monkeys' rebellion.
but here are the facts, ladies and gentlemen.
i'm not the mtb i once was.
as of 2010,
i don't drink,
i don't smoke,
i don't do drugs.
it just came to the point where people were doing it to have a blanket excuse for their actions.
and well, i hate excuses.
i'm still on the fence about drinking.
i don't think i'll ever get to the point where i'll be suffering from a hangover ever again.
however, a beer or two from time to time causes no harm.
(however, the thought alone makes me gittery for some reason. so i'll be off it for a good long while).
i can't exactly do the whole smoking and drinking until i can't remember my name kind of deal...
so i thought to myself what in the world would i have left to do.
well, dear public.
a zine will talk about just that.
its title?
i know what you are saying...
"i thought the title was rumble!"
well, things change.
and so did the title of my zine.
it will be my final project topic for my art class.
i'm still tossing up the idea in my head in terms of the actual presentation.
pretty much the rebellious acts or not-so anything that i feel i would like to accomplish in good ol' julienna casablankazz style.
on that list of things that i am willing to divuldge:
- picking up a ballet class again.
- getting another piercing (this will be number eight (lucky number))
i am serious.

sidebar: since i was a child, i never thought i was going to make it past my nineteenth birthday. especially in 2008, more factors made it seem so close that i wrote a will. however, after osheaga 2009, things changed. after fix you by coldplay of that concert, everything changed. and here i am, 18 and 10 months, quickly approaching the birthday i thought couldn't.
how should i celebrate? with a skydive over the world and montreal you say? 13 500 feet in the air? pft.
sidebar: there is this girl at work by the name of lisa. she is super bubbly, fantastic, AND HARDCORE. she has eight tattoos (including an entire back tattoo), lived super rough stories, and is overall mad rebelchild. she is the superman of edge. her kryptonite? SKYDIVING. this woman has invested in the whole kit and kaboodle THREE TIMES. and somehow has never managed to set foot out of the plane.
though i know i can make enough money for it by saving tips alone from now until around my birthday, birthday presents and donations are encouraged (photos and a video of it cost 100 smackers.)
(in exchange for every donation, a copy of my zine?) (and a letter because i love writing letters?)
that's really the main thing i wanted to mention.
let the rebellion with morals being respected begin.
I'm really proud of you, you have never failed to astound me with your actions and ability to buce back no matter how hard the fall. I find it hard to believe sometimes that we used to be so close and now all i have left of you is this blog. Nevertheless we will rekindle our friendship when the time comes, until then i hope you all the greatest happinesses and adventures. i hope you are truely happy my friend