Sunday, July 4, 2010

catcher in the rye was good for picking up 1950's slag.

i'm just going to be updating the world on whats going on briefly between now and the time that i actually gain internet permanently from the comfort of my own home (TOMORROW! THRILLED.)


- i have moved to westmount up four flights of stairs staring at an american apparel next to a starbucks in the corner of my bedroom window. living with the sister. she is overly picky, i am overly chillax (which is odd because i was the opposite at my other apartment), but we will learn to not kill the other. i mean, who would pay rent, amirite?

meet the face of westmount, motha flippas!

- back to vegan (after a small set back of accidentally eating non-vegan cheese that tasted like shit for two weeks.)
- i have done closes as shift lead all week without burning down the place or finding out it was robbed. SUCCESS STORY.
- i have experienced a seinfeld moment with my apartment's laundry room. george paniced.
- i miss my best friend. she has been gone in toronto for the past little bit. the magik picks up tomorrow with us p.i.c. (partners in crime) reunite tomorrow. brace yourselves.
- i miss my other friends, too. *sigh*
- an odd inspirational quote that i found on "ella masters" masterous blog:
''When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year-old girl. Then I say, 'Bitch, you're Lady Gaga: You get up and walk the walk today.''
definitely odd for me to gain a sense of momentum from this.
but let's roll with it.
things i need to have done this week:
-laundry (finally. i need them whites.)
- my bbc at american apparel, you are my next mission.
- customers that come in dripping in OBEY, DC, Element (not sooo much), and any other skating brand with a nice longboard (take that as you will), you are my back up plan.
- i am going to call my uncle in the next couple of weeks. it has been years.
- wolf parada next week! not enough concerts!
- i am starting to regret my massive facebook friends beheading. work that out.
-i want the iphone by this time next week.
- need to get ashley a new ipod (but don't tell her. it's a surprise.)
- saima will help me decide if i am getting streches.
- i am getting my whitney piercing with my sister.
- i am getting my first tattoo.
- i need to start drawing and writing more. i miss it. i miss it!
this list is more for me than anyone else. but anyway. i'm trying to get the wheel rolling.
" dude, i'm mtb. you bounce and dish the fish".
does that work?

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