Monday, September 28, 2009

statue of liberty on two hands and steady on none.

i didn't like today as a general summary.
i decided my outtings in new york with kaarlie and had a good time tipsy with one of my old friends at 3 brasseurs.
other than that, when the buzz wore off everything else sank in and i ended up hating this blog.
mostly my fault. hating what i've done in between posts, things i've mentioned, things i've dodged.
and as of right now, i don't know my escape route.
one thing i do know is that there is one.
which is something that i wouldn't have been able to see four months down the line.
maybe even 1 month.
so in this case, i leave you with nothing.
because i'm starting to believe that this is how i should have left this blog.
i should have just picked up a diary instead.

no sign off.

now for the optimist!

after drinks, i went to my starbucks and saw the bitchface accompanied by my present flirtation. he judged my name for the tardif and judged my bank card. i couldn't help but find him adorable but was too buzzed from having not eaten a thing that day but a yogurt that morning. i also saw erik drawing album art, this girl named catherine in a lovely cardigan who also works there, and bleeker who's actually named steven.

kaarlie is great.

kati is great.

joel is great.

greg is cool.

jacqueline is great.

and i realize i take that for granted.

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