Tuesday, September 29, 2009
i caught myself.
Monday, September 28, 2009
statue of liberty on two hands and steady on none.
i decided my outtings in new york with kaarlie and had a good time tipsy with one of my old friends at 3 brasseurs.
other than that, when the buzz wore off everything else sank in and i ended up hating this blog.
mostly my fault. hating what i've done in between posts, things i've mentioned, things i've dodged.
and as of right now, i don't know my escape route.
one thing i do know is that there is one.
which is something that i wouldn't have been able to see four months down the line.
maybe even 1 month.
so in this case, i leave you with nothing.
because i'm starting to believe that this is how i should have left this blog.
i should have just picked up a diary instead.
no sign off.
now for the optimist!
after drinks, i went to my starbucks and saw the bitchface accompanied by my present flirtation. he judged my name for the tardif and judged my bank card. i couldn't help but find him adorable but was too buzzed from having not eaten a thing that day but a yogurt that morning. i also saw erik drawing album art, this girl named catherine in a lovely cardigan who also works there, and bleeker who's actually named steven.
kaarlie is great.
kati is great.
joel is great.
greg is cool.
jacqueline is great.
and i realize i take that for granted.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
white lied pocket stuffers.

(which judging by how well i know kaarlie she will try and guess it and will guess right.)
they gave it to me in a venti which made me extra happy!
this also caused to want to stand by their counter for the next two and a half hours. which. i did. i ended up singing moulin rouge with farjid, complimenting him on his gorgeous mousse all the while cleaning his spoons under the water tap because it was convinient, not to mention speaking in beautiful french with him and adoring his cute little cardigan and superheroe tshirt that he wore later on.
eric and i spoke of concerts, mourned the loss that was the sufjan stevens concert in montreal that had sold out in 30 minutes, gave him my full name for facebook purposes, invited him to vampire weekend next week, spent his 15 minute break (on his request :D) with him analysing music and concerts, and the sweet boy even let me go on the internet on his itouch even after he went on floor! i also mentioned to him that i was considering transfering and he let me know who i should talk to about it.
next was phil (also known as eric's best friend). this guy had come in later during the day but was such a doll all the same. he was telling me his glasses were fake, we teased farjid for having tried to have a customer admit a song about 911 and shooting themselves existed, along with him elaborating more on his soon to be model career with ford miami that eric had told me about earlier. he was easily one of the more intimidating baristas because he looked like a cullen family member. so i'm glad i got him under my belt.
SPEAKING OF UNDER THE BELT! mike. you are so cool. this guy has been on my radar since the jo broz concert where i earned my first free starbucks drink as well as a good south park episode suggestion. but he is simply hysterics. first of all, he has a half sleeve. which seems very complex and from what i could gather from the tips of his polo he had an atom and a skeleton of a fish. he also has a heart on the back of his opposite arm, his parents' names on the wrists, and is planning on getting a cow tattoo on the inside of his right arm because he has this crazy deeper meaning about things and he is also vegetarian. i wasn't paying attention to his whole speech because i was just so contented with talking to him. i also convinced him not to take this girl's advice about having the caramel swirl cinnabon treat (that i had found out hours earlier through vj contains 1,130 calories. death, please. please.), told him about my coffee seminar that i am excited about where he then mocked me for and called me a "southshore-er". he complimented me on my perfect english and french which made me blush when he called me "one of those". traded tv faves such as myth busters, the office (which we both agreed was too easy), how i met your mother, and he rambled about some world war two mystery show. i also had to defend my mention of "how it's made". he asked me about when i was vegan and vegetarian, talked about his hatred for the venti moka frappucinos lights, encouraged me to transfer and move to montreal, laughed when i called one of the girls in the berets that worked there a bitch face, told noob horror stories; all wrapped into witty expressions and laughs. step out of the way, boorista (who has a boogrlfriend, ps.)
i also guided a customer through the starbuck's teas (berryblossom white (which was also the one i was sipping on)) and stock and was asked repeatedly if i worked there to which the staff eventually answered: "not yet!". they all were lost when i said i worked on the south shore. that usually happens.
can i say it again? that i love it there? because i do!
i need to painfully go out with this crew.
ERIC, add me! you gotz to get me in this club.
after much help from saima, she checked my buses and i was home by 2. where i then collapsed from 4 to 7 and now here i am after a good meal. this is going to be another busy week which i hope goes smoothly.
also: as of midnight, i will be able to count the days i go to new york on my two hands.
(that's central park. this little thing i will be seeing in eleven days.)
with the change of course, i bid you goodnight and hope to receive those "good luck" wishes for staying in the school i have come to spite.
-starbucks district staff for not disappointing. i will see you soon.
- vijay for keeping me together this morning.
- kaarlie for dealing with my crying at work and a great hug.
- selesse for txting me puking updates last night to give me a pda distraction.
now.... to get back to this mess.
the via loathing,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
i just saw this in the adds.
you know what happened the last time rihanna dropped it low? SHE GOT K-O BY HER BOYFRIEND. that boii ain't gonna love ya love ya love ya love ya kiss kiss kiss forever, ri ri.
category 1 hurricane at the plaza?

all ending with a picture of eloise.
in other words: me as a five year old animation.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
barnacle goose and puqe jus.

the only song i could listen to today without getting on my own nerves:
Born Ruffians - Barnacle Goose
" we have plans to make plans "
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
not-so lamebook.

isn't it gorgeous? she has her father's eyes.
after that, we talked about outtings there, what we would pack slash do during those total 15 hours travel time and got so bubbly and would end every sentence with "oh. and we are going to new york." SPEAKING OF OUTTINGS....
mhm. i know. i would want to be me, too. mission accomplished. kaarlz and i are going to get fakies to be able to get into the 21 and over show (and you know..... the bars, clubs, etc. BECAUSE IT'S NEW YORK!)
i suppose the countdown should begin!
i have been doing a lot of daily ramble these days and thought i would shake it up by posting a piece i wrote recently.
You're Left
i was told i have a vinegar face.
when all i want to do is weep.
but the drops fall from above my head and back.
i stop the moans to tell you to put your hand on my chest.
"you feel that?" i asked between the strums of my heart.
i knew by that look on your face that you couldn't answer yes.
i picked up the pieces of me you spread along the floor;
saying farewell out of politesse and patronism
for your inability to get it.
up i went through that street
soaking of stranger's cologne and leftovers.
something i never wished to be; what is left.
passing by the lantern-lit homes,
i the love-ridden woe
praying i played my cards right
even though i cheated the last hand.
stalled, i dosed off;
dreaming of who i should be smelling of.
wishing i was who they were thinking of.
but as the light seaped through,
that's when i knew
there could never be a you and me.
a you with me.
just me.
on a much happier note: i don't know if you've heard but.... i'm going to new york!
your new york goer,
Monday, September 21, 2009
under the iron fist of keane's perfect symmetry.

(The day pre-concert was beyond gutter horrible. but let's not take away from the magic, shall we?)
so now we found ourselves playing "catch up" as we were waiting for the show to begin. almost right on time, it did.
First opening act: Lindi Ortega.

this girl was just a doll. she was talking about how she wanted crazy fans like keane (who wouldn't really) and how she wishes she could influence a bunch of people to eventually wear red cowboy boots and flowers in their hair like she was wearing that night. in between her soulful country accoustic mixes (more dolly parton possibilities here), she also invited the entire metropolis for burriots and free hugs. so i can't argue there. on any other night where my excitement couldn't be distracted, i may have just hoe-downed. i resorted to severe swaying and she didn't seen to complain when me made i contact a couple of times (and a smile. ka-ching!) i just have one favour to ask of you, lindi...

once that was done, brandae & i continued with the tales of our lives as i was threatnening to kill people who were trying to cut in line at the concert (a no-no to me.). after the homicides receded, the next act arrived on stage.
round 2: LIGHTS.
or as her mom calls her when she is mad, Valerie Poxleitner accompanied by adam and a drummer named ed who has odd drumming faces (blowing out a candle, chewing gum, head tilt, etc.) I know what you are thinking: YOUTUBE SENSATION. yup. that she is. but, i knew saviour by heart. so i can't say anything. she is a pretty girl who gets my addiction to the fringe. besides her relentless self promotion with her upcoming album, it was a fine performance. the lil' kiddies that came with glow sticks and their adult sibling or guardian were very pleased with it. she did have the pipes (which i was surprised) combined with her slighly lesbian stature that gave her an edge, it was fine.
killed time, blablabla.

that's what!
can we just take a minute and look at my hunk chaplin?
from the kicks to the lips that it's a european delight.
(not to mention the french that he was talking the entire night. ladies? ya hurr me!)
*focusing away from mr.britain and back to keane's excellence*
Saturday, September 19, 2009
it was so easy.

hooked into the machine that is spektor's excellence.

my friend's and i spent a good song coming up with analogies to describe what was growing on this guy's upper lip.
but i will now shift topic selection away from pub-lookin'-facial hair.
between both sets, there was about an hour of wait. we spent our time chit chatting, sharing our praises for songs that we would hope she would play (summer in the city, dance anthem of the 80's, etc.). i also spent that time getting to know sara and asking her what she was planning on doing after highschool. all this while sasha was having a bit of a moment where she contemplated taking part in a homicide to get rid of the makeout mayhem that was happening between this couple right next to her. all this however was graciously interrupted by

she came on in this dress with her face plasted a thousand times (still not enough) and red heels. so new york. then i realised that i was partially blocked by her piano. but that did not even matter! i was in a relm of fantastic. SHE WAS PHENOMENAL! i will be honest, because of the fact that a lot of the songs were from the new album (that i lost in a rock, papper, scissors match with jacqueline), i didn't know most of the songs playing. but i was blown away like a kite during a storm. because hurricane regina was in town.
songs that i remember she played:
fidelity (obviously), on the radio (another give in), eet, the calculation, blue lips, folding chair, machine, laughing with, wallet, one more time with feeling, two birds, better (of course!), us (faaaaaaantastic.), samson (*sigh* one of the best moments in the entire night), that time (ON GUITAR!), a country song which could have turned me into a dolly parton fan it was so great, and one of the sickest things that i have ever seen in my life which is her playing poor little rich boy .

one foot on the pedal, vocals, one hand playing piano, one hand beating the chair drum to death, one foot firmly on the ground (well, actually, she was twisting it around as if she wasn't busy enough.) and of course her heart in the process of being taken away by MONTREAL. she also played the hilarious bobbing for apples.
i cannot explain just how musically gifted this lady is. the fact that she SOLD OUT metropolis (meaning the place was swarming with people), and yet at one point when she was playing on the piano, she had the ENTIRE VENUE GO DEAD SILENT, explains the magnitude and force of this girl's talent. just all around bravo, ms.spektor. she is also the sweetest thing in the world! she curved around her piano to apologize to us who didn't see her completely (of course i forgive you, reg-reg. the eventual eye contact made it all worth it). she also had two hardxcore adoring fans who came to bring her gifts (a bouquet of flowers (which because the guy who was handing them to her was right behind me, as she was approaching me, i simply thought she wanted to shake my hand or compliment me on my peacock feather headband.), as well as this girl who created a card of some kind. quite cool.
once the show was over with, we spent about 5 minutes in shock, and then spit up. sasha and i got our afterparty-on were hitting up a starbucks (my heart of a starbucks downtown more specifically) but on my way out i happened to have run into gay eric who works there! we shared a hug and compliments about the show and said we would see each other soon (which just so happened to have been 20 minutes later at that starbucks). some girl who had given me a free venti passion tea once (sabrina?) was working along with my boorista who proceeded to ask us if we were drunk (he has a girlfriend. the love is being put on hold). once we left our drinks in hand, we strolled our way down the street, told eachother hysterical stories about stunt tour buses, hugh heffner television shows, stripper costumes, and everything in between. we also decided that for the sake of our emo 13 year old selves, we are going to the used concert at metropolis in october (so excited).

after that, i took my bus back to the boons at 12:10, got home at one, and proceeded to wake up 3 hours later (to only get ill an hour afterwards and stay home to sleep and miss first period).
highlights not mentioned until now
Special thanks to flashlight (whom i will title the flash or flasher) who had a compact light and let me use it so i could find my bag), and mrs.claus who offered me my v-neck that had fallen out of my bag but as i realized later on also had a SECOND SHIRT WRAPPED IN IT. five finger discount, i suppose. another story i wanted to say was that when regina first went on guitar she wanted to adjust her microphone but couldn't so tech crew came to help her out. well, i had turned around when he had come on stage. so when i turned around i thought it was a crazy fan but was relieved to see he worked for metropolis. all this to say that i turned around to sara and sasha and said "whoa! i thought that was a crazy fan that jumped on stage!" and at this exact moment, there was one of those creepy moments where it goes silent for no reason which lead not only all those around me to laugh but the ENTIRE METROPOLIS. i was a venue laughing stock. still.... totally worth it because i found it kinda funny.
all these lovely memories to say that regina was fantastic and i hope to see her again, soon.
i now have to go and do an entire photo project. buuuuuut whatevz. i will just live in the euphoria of all the concerts to come.
- JULIA NUNES OCTOBER 10TH IN NEW YORK CITY!!! (on the moon excited)
- THE USED OCTOBER 21st (gitty as a school girl)
- friendly fires december 3rd (cannot wait to see my man jack again)
- kanye west january 11th (i am still on the fence about this. it will definitely be up for discussion or commentary).
i'm off to go watch the boys and the girls watch each other eat at the meat market down the street.
otherwise known as: photo project.
take care.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
consequence of sounds coming from regina.
the centered and silenced,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
popularity crash sights

doesn't do her justice... BUT STILL.
for those less familiar with this show: the character of shane is essentially the straight girl's free ticket to lesbianism. And the girl i was working with tonight was most probably her sister. so you see my point.
i felt that even for a nervous cluts being in shane's company, i looked like ms.popular. EVERYONE came today:
- for here grande cappucino, grande coffee with carrott cake
- london fog from indigo
- sherri frapp
- sara, veronica, candice, jon, lise, red bag, AND genevieve from indigo.
- kaarlie came (and we talked not so briefly about things). i love that girl.
- AHMED CAME (the best person on this planet)
- and about TEN other people.
soo... if that doesn't put me in the good books with the shanester, i don't know what will.
(please sense my heterosexual-but-accepting sarcasm.)
i never never want to go home because i haven't got one anymore.
the smiths. claaaaaaaasic.
goodnight now. i have to pass out.
(shocking how a venti coffee, two fullsized energy drinks, and 2 shots of espresso can keep a girl going. LET'S HOPE IT WORKS FOR ME TOMORROW. AND THE DAY AFTER.)
crazily yours,
P.S: regina spektacular tomorrow night!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
i'll just unplug for today...

*random thing i just did*
it;s times like these where the topic of loneliness come to mind. i find it quite exasperating. no one enjoys being lonely. i just find that the constant reminders of xxxpda people or people asking me as to WHY i am single as if i should explain as to why i haven't settled for an old flame who has the Holy Bible iPhone app (it explains itself) soul and spirit shattering. it just pains me to have to try and reschedule a get-together with someone that cannot seem to leave their significant other at the door. yes, sometimes it is welcome. but you know what? i became friends with my FRIEND first. not this {insert minor insult here} person who strolled in years later and has become your lap dog. nor should i be judged for having not found myself a chihuahua of a man that you use as a humping mechanism just as much as fido uses them. you know what? i'm a lab girl, thanks. and i shouldn't be judged if i'm still waiting at the pet shop.
horrible metaphor. but yes, ladies and gentleman. this is me being bitter.
i also do not need people cutting me off short in mid sentence or completely ignoring me when i am answering their question that is "when are you free?".
i knew i shouldn't have blogged today...
unfortunately yours,
maybe i will...

reading girls & boys for lit & com on wednesday because this is the only time i will be able to accomplish it.
what i am actually doing:
i txtd kaarlie asking her what she is doing thanksgiving weekend. it appears not only is she free BUT she is a huge jaaaaa fan.
Monday, September 14, 2009
pissing the day away.

she is just such giggles.
i am actually consideing going to her upcoming show in new york city on october 10th. i could leave on the friday night, spend the long weekend there falling in love with the city i have admired, and then head on home. the only person that i would invite (other than my friend jacqueline who cannot go based off of the fact she is a felon) is kaarlie. whom which i have already discussed going to new york with. how fitting.
cheers to that idea, me staying focused and motivated, and keeping my blogging promise (thus far).
the dreamer,
yes, i am the dork who wear scene glasses around the house because i can.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
my clothes hang like ghosts of the people i've been.
i spent to majority of my giggles with kristen
(my older sister's highschool best friend/my highschool principal's daughter)
kristen and her napkinbrow.
a creep shot of this woman who was wearing a BETTY BOOP TANK TOP.
i very abruptly and obnoxiously took a picture of this bizarre photographer who would later become the bloody paparazzi when kristen and i had a soul train moment on the dance floor.
the horror that was kristen & i's scrapbook contribution.
- i volunteered to sing karaoke with an ex-viceprincipal gone principal of my high school to the song "wish upon a star".
- apparantly i mooned half of the people that day when i bent down to take a picture of a dragonfly. i will never live that one down.
- each table had a disposable camera. at my table, we decided to be... risque. so you found my secondary three french teacher and kristen (my old principal's daughter) in stiches taking a picture of me walking behind an english teacher and my old secondary one math teacher... acting drunk posing with a wine bottle. when they get developed, be sure as day that i will post it.
- the fact that i was given a ride home by my secondary three french teacher and we spent the car ride talking about running over the chainsaw killers that were in the bushes or stabbing them with the envelope openers or the organic vanilla lipbalm we were given at the wedding.
the ceremony was beautiful. from the moment my second mom walked in, i was bawling (i can say the same for her now-husband). i realized that they would be my ross & rachel; the people that i would turn to or look to as an example of love and devotion. kind of felt like a bit of a relief and blessing that i had such great people to be able to call my second parents.
enough lovey-dovey stuff.
Today, i felt as if I had given the worst end of the friendship stick to one of my friends. and i did. i have to figure out how to make it up to her. because i can't take it.
on a musical note:
- keane is on saturday.
- i am falling in love with death cab for cutie all over again.
go whip out dee sea eff see's ceadees. i know you'll love them.
i have to go and hmwrk it seeing as i spent the day sleeping, eating, and posting wedding pictures.
p.s: in relation to my sign off last entry about catching the bouquet, i actually did.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
vows and my many layouts.

for those who don't know: vow - a solemn pledge
"I vow that i will write on this blog more often and actually complete my ambitions for it. I vow that I will work less and learn to just sit still. I vow that in hopes of improving my yoga techniques for class, I will actually greet the sun at least 4 times a week (not including yoga class). I vow that I will talk to my English teacher (also known as ampersand man) in hopes of continuing my love for english as opposed to having it beat to death by my classmates. I will take more time for my friends and keeping them there. I vow that I will give my family time and chances by shutting my mouth more. I vow I will talk to not ONLY the theatre club about joining but as well as "The Word" school newspaper about writing an article, I vow I will make my soon to be trips to Bangladesh and New York City a reality, my secret aspirations for postcegep years less secret, and still treat myself to concerts (many concerts). I vow to come up with an appropriate tattoo and take Kaarlie as my plus-one. I vow to attempt to make my feelings about my Starbucks better or find another Starbucks that will (MY STARBUCKS DOWNTOWN). I vow that I will look into moving out either to my good friend Brandae's or something more permanent in housing or both. I vow that I will work on my tool box, work on homework, work on my passions, and work on lightening up. I vow to remember that not everything is a war, to remain openminded with the people I love as much as strangers, took keep myself motivated and inspired, and (on a dorkish note), work on chilling with that great Starbucks staff."
I'm off to catch a bouquet!
optimisticly yours,
p.s: like the new layout? the brightness makes me smile.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
lie-braries are holded.
OK, so any time I am saying hi or bye to a guy friend, I am puzzled and confused.
What's about to happen? Normal, regular handshake? Slap and pound? Props?
Some guys have REALLY weird ones. They start off normal and then they even hug you or something, I don't know.
(Relevance is about to enter)
So for the past few years I've been concerned with this.
I usually just do things in groups, and wait for another male to say bye to the male before me so I can get the insider scoop on what this person does.
And I've been coming up with this fool-proof system.
If you go for props, people can see it coming so they know they're only gonna get props in return.
I tried it today. IT FAILED.
I went for props, he went for handshake, I switched to handshake, he switched back to props.
I hate handshakes.
msn messenger, ladies and gentleman.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
love letter.

merry christmas.
p-oed and frustratingly no one's,
Monday, September 7, 2009
blog control.

now for the actual post.